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Social Media Marketing Facts And Statistics

The digital marketing world is ever-changing, and so are users’ demands.

However, one thing that’s only bound to stay is social media. Sure, trends, technology and tactics would keep enhancing the existing social media platforms, but social media is here for the long haul. So as a business, you must stay relevant while promoting your product or service.

How do you keep up with the dynamic demands of users? Well, one of the easiest ways is to keep an eye on the marketing statistics. Whether it is video marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, advertising or lead generation, you must keep a tab on marketing statistics. It’ll help you know what’s working and what needs to change.

This article states all the marketing stats you need to know to devise a marketing strategy in 2023 accordingly. However, before diving into social media marketing statistics, let’s understand what social media advertising is and why it is crucial for businesses.

What Is Social Media Advertising?

You want to target a specific audience interested in purchasing your product/service. Social media advertising is digital marketing that displays ads about services and products that the audience may be interested in. In 2022, around 30.57 million businesses in the US alone used social media advertising to promote their businesses.

Social media advertising is an online way to advertise your product or service by using platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn and showing ads to a target audience. It combines quality content and paid tactics to attract the audience. So it’s essential to focus on the content game and paid advertising methods that will keep your followers interested and informed.

Hope you now won’t scratch your head going, but what is social media advertising? Finally, get to create social media strategies for the coming year while also incorporating paid ads. Now that we know about social media advertising and its importance let’s look at some social media marketing statistics for 2022.

Social Media Usage Across The Globe Statistics

Before we break down the marketing statistics for each social media platform, it’s crucial to realize how widely it’s used.

About 4.70 billion across the globe today use social media. At the same time, 227 million new users have come online in the past year. Most of these users were born in the 1980-the 2000s. People born in this era have grown up with social media, while other age groups are gradually catching up with it.

Below are some interesting figures for social media usage:

  1. Social media users increased by over 10% between 2021 and 2022.
  2. 4.7 billion social media users account for more than half the population, representing 93.4% of internet-connected people.
  3. According to Statista, there will be 4.4 billion people on social media in five years.
  4. The internet user spent an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes on social media.

We’ve broken down the time people spend on different social media platforms every day:

  • 60 seconds on Twitter
  • 15 minutes on Instagram
  • 30 minutes on Snapchat
  • 35 minutes on Facebook
  • 40 minutes on YouTube


These numbers tell you what age groups use social media the most. Gen Z, Alpha and millennials are, without a doubt, among the top social media users. Ensure you keep this in mind when creating a social media strategy so that it caters to the target audience and reaches a greater audience.

Social Media Engagement Statistics For Businesses In 2022

Engagement goes beyond users liking your content. Social media engagement helps businesses realize whether their strategies are working or not. It is a way to measure social media ROI. Below are some social media engagement statistics for 2022:

  1. Users watch Facebook videos that are less than one minute long. The duration was between two to five minutes in 2021.
  2. Facebook live videos lasting over an hour increase customer engagement from 0.19% to 0.86% compared to long-form videos.
  3. Businesses posting weekly on LinkedIn see an engagement rise by 2x.
  4. Vertical Facebook videos with a description of lengths of 300 characters are likely to increase engagement rates from 0.18% to 0.39%.
  5. Instagram is the second-highest platform, with 84% engagement.
  6. Twitter GIF gains 55% more engagement.
  7. Instagram posts with at least one hashtag produce almost 12.6% more.

As seen in the points above, Instagram and Facebook are the top social media channels that keep users engaged. Keep this in mind when devising a social media strategy for 2023.

Social Media Advertising Statistics For Businesses In 2022

While social ads aren’t precisely a reputed way of promoting a product online, the numbers state the opposite. We can’t deny the stats clearly stating how effective social ads are for businesses. Let’s look at the stats to understand better:

  1. Marketers spent about 60% more on Facebook and Instagram ads than in 2020.
  2. Retargeting ads are among the most used marketing tactics for marketers. About 77% of B2C and B2B marketers use retargeting, primarily to target relevant audiences on Instagram and Facebook.
  3. 37.9% of survey respondents said they made a purchase after seeing a social media advertisement.

Social Media Marketing Stats

It’s evident why you need to include social media ads, especially retargeting as an advertising strategy for your business.

Social Media User Behavior Statistics

As per a report by Oberlo, visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on any social media channel than any other type. Given the attention span, it’s understandable why consuming visual content is easier. Consumers want ads that feel authentic in nature and don’t feel like ads as per the stats.

Below-mentioned stats are an embodiment of the previous statement.

  • Consumers are six times more likely to purchase from a page that consists of pictures from social media.
  • Consumers trust influencers and are more likely to buy from them if they recommend a product (37%) versus celebrities recommending it (7%).
  • For about 52% social media users, privacy and data protection are extremely important.

All these stat imply that visual content is a necessity to promote a product or service. Yes, high-quality pictures are great, but videos are even better in conveying a brand story effectively.

Predictions For 2023

From the social media statistics of 2022, it must be clear to you which platforms to choose and the type of audience on each platform. We’ve listed a few social media predictions for the upcoming year based on the stats this year.

  • People are more likely to watch video content so ensure you incorporate video content into your existing strategy.
  • Facebook feed is expected to consist of 40% of pages you may not follow.
  • Online communities will only increase by at least twice.
  • Consider social listening next year, as social monitoring and listening will likely increase, given the social media trends.
  • Few social media trends may be driven by AI so that consumers will come across more suggested content and products.

All these stats give you the data you need to work with. It’s now time to put this knowledge into use and create your social media marketing strategy. Set clear goals, understand your consumers, understand your competition, get data, and use data to form a marketing strategy and you’ll be good to go.

Gear Up For 2023

Given the stats, it’s pretty clear that businesses need to be on social media platforms. Ensure you’re active on as many social media platforms as possible to grow faster and attract more customers. Viewers are more likely to engage in visual content, so ensure your page has more audio-video content for more customer attention retention.

One of the most important things is to keep all your content mobile-friendly. After all, mobile users are only going to increase day by day. Now that you know the social media marketing stats and that it’s only bound to grow, it’s time to implement this new knowledge and devise a strategy that sets new records in the coming year.